
TechNet Ft. Bragg 2018

The AFCEA NC Chapter completed a highly successful symposium and technical exposition. The event was held at the Crown Coliseum Complex in Fayetteville NC and included a keynote address by Major General Gallagher, Director, Network Cross-Functional Team, U.S. Army. Brigadier General Maria Barrett, Deputy Director of Operations, U.S. Cyber Command spoke at the closing luncheon as well as participating in the Women in Technology Panel. The event offered many opportunities to participate in government panels, industry panels, track sessions regarding mission command, cyber and multi-domain, professional development breakfasts, and continuing education classes. 762 attendees participated in these events and also got to see the latest in technology advances presented by the 70 vendors showing their products in the exhibit hall.

Another successful science fair was held in the Future Leaders Pavilion where teams for area schools showed the innovative ideas they are developing as the upcoming leaders in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

19 new members were added to the AFCEA membership roles during the event.

The week ended with a golf tournament which attracted many sponsors and teams. More about this will be coming in a future news story.

Our after action report focused on ways we might improve future expositions but all in all, the AFCEA-NC Chapter counts this as mission accomplished.

We want to thank all of our sponsors, speakers, presenters, attendees and vendors for their tremendous support. Watch this website for announcements about future expositions and other events. Plan to join us next year because “nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina”

Click here to see photos from the event. 

AFCEA-NC Chapter May Luncheon

The North Carolina Chapter of AFCEA had a special luncheon on May 10 at the Iron Mike Conference Center at Ft. Bragg. Our special guest speaker was MG Mitchell L. Kilgo, J6 Director, Headquarters United States Central Command. General Kilgo assisted Paul Reimers, Chapter President, BG Todd Isaacson of FORCSCOM and Kayla Thiesen, Chapter Scholarship Chairperson with the presentation of $2000 scholarships to Antonio Capelo, Angelina Neiberger, Cassidy Long, Harper Long, and Christian Pierce.

He then spoke on the challenges presented by the joint environment among our military as well as our coalition partners. Even though the technology would allow for 95% accessibility among these, policy determines what can be shared and those policies are rigid and difficult to change. Change is unable to move at the speed of operations. Risk management is the critical and should be managed by command rather than policy makers.

We sincerely appreciate General Kilgo’s participation. It was good to have him back home at Ft. Bragg.

Click here to see photos from the event.