
The North Carolina Chapter of AFCEA welcomes our Industry partners to our growing community of Information Technology Professionals. There are many benefits to being associated with AFCEA including the opportunity to network, learn, and contribute to the professional development and knowledge of the DoD IT community. Whether you are a large, medium or small business, we hope that you will take advantage of the enormous benefits that AFCEA can provide to help you in showcasing your companies capabilities.

There are several ways that our industry partners can become involved: 

  • Annual TechNet conference: attend, sponsor, technology show participation

  • Monthly Luncheons: sponsor and attend

  • Training and Certification classes: get your team smarter

  • Fundraising events: Golf Tournaments, etc.

Your involvement will also allow our technology community here in the Ft. Bragg/Raleigh NC community to better understand what capabilities you bring to the table.