Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2008
Generated 01-Jan-2009 02:00 EST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2008
Total Hits 6417
Total Files 5518
Total Pages 1353
Total Visits 824
Total KBytes 66863
Total Unique Sites 508
Total Unique URLs 255
Total Unique Referrers 57
Total Unique User Agents 199
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 8 423
Hits per Day 207 709
Files per Day 178 509
Pages per Day 43 96
Sites per Day 16 50
Visits per Day 26 36
KBytes per Day 2157 5612
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 85.99% 5518
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.08% 5
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.31% 84
Code 302 - Found 0.06% 4
Code 304 - Not Modified 7.17% 460
Code 404 - Not Found 5.20% 334
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.19% 12

Daily Statistics for December 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 283 4.41% 230 4.17% 32 2.37% 28 3.40% 39 7.68% 3366 5.03%
2 177 2.76% 165 2.99% 43 3.18% 33 4.00% 35 6.89% 3027 4.53%
3 216 3.37% 204 3.70% 43 3.18% 33 4.00% 49 9.65% 2398 3.59%
4 150 2.34% 135 2.45% 20 1.48% 17 2.06% 28 5.51% 1352 2.02%
5 161 2.51% 153 2.77% 50 3.70% 26 3.16% 31 6.10% 1022 1.53%
6 94 1.46% 87 1.58% 18 1.33% 15 1.82% 26 5.12% 564 0.84%
7 178 2.77% 163 2.95% 28 2.07% 20 2.43% 32 6.30% 1625 2.43%
8 285 4.44% 226 4.10% 53 3.92% 26 3.16% 37 7.28% 3334 4.99%
9 190 2.96% 172 3.12% 36 2.66% 25 3.03% 37 7.28% 2135 3.19%
10 282 4.39% 248 4.49% 40 2.96% 26 3.16% 43 8.46% 3381 5.06%
11 256 3.99% 209 3.79% 49 3.62% 32 3.88% 39 7.68% 3129 4.68%
12 195 3.04% 182 3.30% 33 2.44% 28 3.40% 38 7.48% 1975 2.95%
13 141 2.20% 130 2.36% 28 2.07% 21 2.55% 41 8.07% 830 1.24%
14 169 2.63% 156 2.83% 36 2.66% 29 3.52% 39 7.68% 1677 2.51%
15 356 5.55% 285 5.16% 41 3.03% 24 2.91% 50 9.84% 4326 6.47%
16 223 3.48% 169 3.06% 51 3.77% 25 3.03% 35 6.89% 3030 4.53%
17 709 11.05% 509 9.22% 96 7.10% 36 4.37% 45 8.86% 5612 8.39%
18 164 2.56% 152 2.75% 53 3.92% 26 3.16% 33 6.50% 2293 3.43%
19 156 2.43% 140 2.54% 39 2.88% 19 2.31% 25 4.92% 1912 2.86%
20 118 1.84% 106 1.92% 42 3.10% 18 2.18% 23 4.53% 1318 1.97%
21 204 3.18% 185 3.35% 60 4.43% 25 3.03% 38 7.48% 2390 3.57%
22 223 3.48% 196 3.55% 48 3.55% 32 3.88% 41 8.07% 1908 2.85%
23 164 2.56% 149 2.70% 31 2.29% 30 3.64% 34 6.69% 1522 2.28%
24 212 3.30% 178 3.23% 61 4.51% 30 3.64% 34 6.69% 2284 3.42%
25 178 2.77% 159 2.88% 42 3.10% 33 4.00% 39 7.68% 1491 2.23%
26 104 1.62% 95 1.72% 43 3.18% 36 4.37% 27 5.31% 1064 1.59%
27 179 2.79% 164 2.97% 43 3.18% 28 3.40% 33 6.50% 2183 3.26%
28 145 2.26% 133 2.41% 30 2.22% 20 2.43% 28 5.51% 1540 2.30%
29 142 2.21% 128 2.32% 44 3.25% 25 3.03% 29 5.71% 1198 1.79%
30 144 2.24% 131 2.37% 37 2.73% 26 3.16% 29 5.71% 1215 1.82%
31 219 3.41% 179 3.24% 83 6.13% 32 3.88% 33 6.50% 1762 2.64%

Hourly Statistics for December 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 6 195 3.04% 5 182 3.30% 1 49 3.62% 52 1607 2.40%
1 5 159 2.48% 4 139 2.52% 0 28 2.07% 37 1159 1.73%
2 6 189 2.95% 5 176 3.19% 1 49 3.62% 68 2119 3.17%
3 5 183 2.85% 5 168 3.04% 1 54 3.99% 46 1435 2.15%
4 7 245 3.82% 6 195 3.53% 1 61 4.51% 83 2567 3.84%
5 4 149 2.32% 4 140 2.54% 1 43 3.18% 54 1675 2.51%
6 6 195 3.04% 5 175 3.17% 1 52 3.84% 48 1502 2.25%
7 7 233 3.63% 5 185 3.35% 2 67 4.95% 60 1845 2.76%
8 21 657 10.24% 16 502 9.10% 2 87 6.43% 197 6099 9.12%
9 11 350 5.45% 8 258 4.68% 1 52 3.84% 116 3598 5.38%
10 10 323 5.03% 9 292 5.29% 1 48 3.55% 142 4393 6.57%
11 9 293 4.57% 8 265 4.80% 1 58 4.29% 108 3349 5.01%
12 10 325 5.06% 9 279 5.06% 1 46 3.40% 128 3960 5.92%
13 10 310 4.83% 8 259 4.69% 2 73 5.40% 108 3334 4.99%
14 8 274 4.27% 7 221 4.01% 1 56 4.14% 98 3031 4.53%
15 11 344 5.36% 10 312 5.65% 1 51 3.77% 141 4363 6.53%
16 10 314 4.89% 8 261 4.73% 2 69 5.10% 107 3310 4.95%
17 8 249 3.88% 7 218 3.95% 1 43 3.18% 65 2021 3.02%
18 6 190 2.96% 5 166 3.01% 1 51 3.77% 56 1745 2.61%
19 9 302 4.71% 8 268 4.86% 1 47 3.47% 129 3989 5.97%
20 5 168 2.62% 5 155 2.81% 1 37 2.73% 52 1601 2.39%
21 9 281 4.38% 8 257 4.66% 2 76 5.62% 113 3517 5.26%
22 8 259 4.04% 7 235 4.26% 2 69 5.10% 93 2882 4.31%
23 7 230 3.58% 6 210 3.81% 2 87 6.43% 57 1761 2.63%

Top 30 of 255 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 661 10.30% 159 0.24% /robots.txt
2 529 8.24% 5744 8.59% /modules/mastop_publish/
3 485 7.56% 1562 2.34% /backend.php
4 418 6.51% 4919 7.36% /modules/mastop_publish/recommend.php
5 351 5.47% 5776 8.64% /
6 280 4.36% 77 0.12% /xoops.css
7 210 3.27% 2029 3.03% /modules/liaise/
8 191 2.98% 386 0.58% /modules/mastop_publish/print.php
9 143 2.23% 1050 1.57% /modules/news/article.php
10 107 1.67% 1246 1.86% /modules/extcal/event.php
11 104 1.62% 1399 2.09% /modules/smartpartner/partner.php
12 91 1.42% 1014 1.52% /include/xoops.js
13 89 1.39% 536 0.80% /themes/afcea/style.css
14 75 1.17% 12940 19.35% /themes/afcea/images/banner.png
15 74 1.15% 521 0.78% /modules/news/archive.php
16 70 1.09% 478 0.71% /themes/afcea/images/helmet.png
17 67 1.04% 8 0.01% /themes/afcea/ie.css
18 64 1.00% 388 0.58% /modules/news/
19 63 0.98% 99 0.15% /modules/extcal/print.php
20 60 0.94% 188 0.28% /themes/afcea/images/bg.jpg
21 60 0.94% 291 0.43% /themes/afcea/images/footer_bg.jpg
22 60 0.94% 315 0.47% /themes/afcea/images/header_bg.jpg
23 60 0.94% 289 0.43% /themes/afcea/images/menu_bg.jpg
24 59 0.92% 159 0.24% /themes/afcea//images/afcea_logo.gif
25 59 0.92% 37 0.06% /themes/afcea//images/rss.gif
26 58 0.90% 393 0.59% /uploads/smartpartner/images/correctevenside_300(a).jpg
27 56 0.87% 538 0.80% /modules/sitemap/
28 54 0.84% 1738 2.60% /uploads/img4843332f1bdd0.jpg
29 54 0.84% 107 0.16% /uploads/smartpartner/images/mew reduced 35.jpg
30 54 0.84% 135 0.20% /uploads/smartpartner/images/technigrafa_small_logo3.gif

Top 10 of 255 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 75 1.17% 12940 19.35% /themes/afcea/images/banner.png
2 30 0.47% 7467 11.17% /modules/mastop_publish/files/files_48872357a4a4d.pdf
3 351 5.47% 5776 8.64% /
4 529 8.24% 5744 8.59% /modules/mastop_publish/
5 418 6.51% 4919 7.36% /modules/mastop_publish/recommend.php
6 11 0.17% 3787 5.66% /modules/extcal/download_attachement.php
7 28 0.44% 2250 3.36% /modules/mastop_publish/files/files_47cc147501223.pdf
8 210 3.27% 2029 3.03% /modules/liaise/
9 54 0.84% 1738 2.60% /uploads/img4843332f1bdd0.jpg
10 485 7.56% 1562 2.34% /backend.php

Top 9 of 9 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 529 8.24% 322 41.34% /modules/mastop_publish/
2 351 5.47% 245 31.45% /
3 210 3.27% 108 13.86% /modules/liaise/
4 64 1.00% 48 6.16% /modules/news/
5 56 0.87% 21 2.70% /modules/sitemap/
6 38 0.59% 19 2.44% /modules/smartpartner/
7 19 0.30% 14 1.80% /modules/smartobject/
8 2 0.03% 1 0.13% /webalizer/
9 1 0.02% 1 0.13% /webalizer/usage_200807.html

Top 9 of 9 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 529 8.24% 306 38.01% /modules/mastop_publish/
2 351 5.47% 252 31.30% /
3 210 3.27% 112 13.91% /modules/liaise/
4 56 0.87% 50 6.21% /modules/sitemap/
5 64 1.00% 46 5.71% /modules/news/
6 38 0.59% 22 2.73% /modules/smartpartner/
7 19 0.30% 15 1.86% /modules/smartobject/
8 8 0.12% 1 0.12% /modules/liaise//
9 2 0.03% 1 0.12% /webalizer/

Top 30 of 508 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 445 6.93% 287 5.20% 3136 4.69% 1 0.12%
2 283 4.41% 219 3.97% 2807 4.20% 57 6.92%
3 221 3.44% 167 3.03% 2398 3.59% 52 6.31%
4 179 2.79% 137 2.48% 2018 3.02% 41 4.98%
5 128 1.99% 58 1.05% 948 1.42% 2 0.24%
6 128 1.99% 128 2.32% 412 0.62% 0 0.00%
7 111 1.73% 87 1.58% 1684 2.52% 27 3.28%
8 110 1.71% 106 1.92% 617 0.92% 2 0.24%
9 101 1.57% 80 1.45% 1335 2.00% 3 0.36%
10 95 1.48% 83 1.50% 1378 2.06% 22 2.67%
11 90 1.40% 50 0.91% 1349 2.02% 2 0.24%
12 76 1.18% 76 1.38% 245 0.37% 0 0.00%
13 74 1.15% 72 1.30% 657 0.98% 16 1.94%
14 73 1.14% 67 1.21% 844 1.26% 1 0.12%
15 73 1.14% 68 1.23% 849 1.27% 16 1.94%
16 73 1.14% 68 1.23% 1069 1.60% 15 1.82%
17 71 1.11% 53 0.96% 823 1.23% 5 0.61%
18 60 0.94% 53 0.96% 422 0.63% 13 1.58%
19 60 0.94% 48 0.87% 753 1.13% 13 1.58%
20 55 0.86% 28 0.51% 816 1.22% 1 0.12%
21 54 0.84% 54 0.98% 328 0.49% 3 0.36%
22 53 0.83% 53 0.96% 171 0.26% 0 0.00%
23 51 0.79% 50 0.91% 876 1.31% 8 0.97%
24 49 0.76% 39 0.71% 569 0.85% 1 0.12%
25 48 0.75% 30 0.54% 460 0.69% 1 0.12%
26 47 0.73% 44 0.80% 298 0.45% 6 0.73%
27 46 0.72% 43 0.78% 194 0.29% 4 0.49%
28 46 0.72% 44 0.80% 485 0.73% 2 0.24%
29 45 0.70% 40 0.72% 709 1.06% 4 0.49%
30 45 0.70% 42 0.76% 297 0.44% 13 1.58%

Top 10 of 508 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 445 6.93% 287 5.20% 3136 4.69% 1 0.12%
2 283 4.41% 219 3.97% 2807 4.20% 57 6.92%
3 221 3.44% 167 3.03% 2398 3.59% 52 6.31%
4 179 2.79% 137 2.48% 2018 3.02% 41 4.98%
5 111 1.73% 87 1.58% 1684 2.52% 27 3.28%
6 95 1.48% 83 1.50% 1378 2.06% 22 2.67%
7 90 1.40% 50 0.91% 1349 2.02% 2 0.24%
8 101 1.57% 80 1.45% 1335 2.00% 3 0.36%
9 43 0.67% 41 0.74% 1239 1.85% 7 0.85%
10 73 1.14% 68 1.23% 1069 1.60% 15 1.82%

Top 18 of 57 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3789 59.05% - (Direct Request)
2 27 0.42%
3 20 0.31%
4 15 0.23%
5 9 0.14%
6 6 0.09%
7 6 0.09%
8 5 0.08%
9 4 0.06%
10 4 0.06%
11 3 0.05%
12 2 0.03%
13 2 0.03%
14 2 0.03%
15 2 0.03%
16 1 0.02%
17 1 0.02%
18 1 0.02%

Top 15 of 15 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 4 16.00% nc afcea
2 3 12.00% afcea bragg
3 2 8.00% afcea
4 2 8.00% afcea ft bragg
5 2 8.00% afcea north carolina
6 2 8.00% armed forces communications and electronics association conference
7 2 8.00% armed forces communications and electronics association popeafb
8 1 4.00% afcea fayetteville chapter
9 1 4.00% afcea ft bragg 2009
10 1 4.00% afcea nc
11 1 4.00% afcea nc bragg
12 1 4.00% afcea scholarships north carolina casey shutt
13 1 4.00% bradley barnhart
14 1 4.00% brandon niles
15 1 4.00% north carolina afcea

Top 15 of 199 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 921 14.35% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
2 576 8.98% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
3 548 8.54% msnbot/1.1 (+
4 471 7.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
5 309 4.82% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
6 243 3.79% Feedfetcher-Google; (+
7 243 3.79% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
8 207 3.23% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
9 185 2.88% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
10 157 2.45% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
11 140 2.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
12 110 1.71% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; WebDataCentreBot/1.0; +
13 103 1.61% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
14 91 1.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
15 90 1.40% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 6417 100.00% 5523 100.09% 66863 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20