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Scholarship Application Qualifications



1. Several scholarships of approximately $2,000 each will be awarded to several deserving applicants who are residents in the local Fayetteville / Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina, as well as Ft Bragg/Pope Field employees (civilian or military) or their dependents.

2. The scholarships are open to returning college students and new college applicants and may be previous winners of a scholarship from the NC Chapter of AFCEA

3. The student must apply the scholarship toward tuition, fees and books in 2014. The scholarship winners may be requested to provide a copy of all receipts for college expenses for which the scholarship amount was used to the NC Chapter of AFCEA. Any unused scholarship amount must be refunded to the NC Chapter of AFCEA upon request.

4. The scholarship will be awarded when applicant is accepted or shows proof of enrollment at an accredited college and provides this information, in writing, to the NC Chapter of AFCEA.

APPLICATION PACKAGE can be found at It must be postmarked or delivered by February 28, 2014 and should contain only the following: (Make sure packages are complete and in the order requested.)

1. Completed Scholarship Application Form - 2014 (print application form below).

2. A 500 word essay describing the applicant’s career goals/ambitions. Must include area of study the applicant plans to pursue and be related to the mission of AFCEA International. Find the mission statement below and at:

3. One or two page resume showing dates and outlining extracurricular activities, community activities, volunteer projects, and work experience.

4. Up to three letters of recommendation. One letter should be from a teacher/professor or other school official. A second letter, from someone in applicant’s community (excluding relatives). An optional third letter from a member of AFCEA, member of the military, Homeland Security, civilian working with the military, or first responder. The person providing the reference may be retired.

5. Copies of high school transcript and college transcripts for all colleges attended. Applicants do not have to provide a high school transcript if they have college transcripts covering the equivalent of two years as a full time college student (usually 60 credits).



1. ________________________________________________________________________
Student’s Name

2. ____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ _________________
Home Address Home Phone

3. ___________________________________ ___________________________________
NC County of residence * Student’s EMail address (optional)


4. ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Full Name of Mother/Father or guardian

5. High School (Complete if you have less than two years of college transcripts)

___________________________________________ ________________ _______________
School Name Class rank GPA

6. Colleges Attended (add lines as needed)

Name of School (most current first) Period Attended Grade Point Average
(mm/yy) GPA & scale e.g. 3.75/4.0

__________________________________ ________________ _______________

__________________________________ ________________ _______________

__________________________________ ________________ _______________

__________________________________ ________________ _______________

7. College/University you attend or plan to attend:

_________________________________ _________________________________
Name of college Major or degree program


The information provided in this scholarship package is accurate and truthful.

____________________________________ _____________

Signature Date

* See county list in evaluation criteria. If applicant is not a resident of one of the listed counties, then a parent, guardian or applicant must work at Ft. Bragg or Pope Field. Please provide work phone or email.


1. Signed Scholarship Application form (Hand-written application form is acceptable.)

2. Career goals/ambitions essay (1 page)

3. Resume describing: (1-2 pages)

Extracurricular Activities

Community Involvement

Volunteer Projects

Work experience.

4. Letters of recommendation (2 or 3 letters)

5. Transcripts showing courses, GPA, GPA scale, and HS class rank. (Please circle final GPA and high school class rank on transcript)

Please do not add extra material, section separator pages, or use staples to bind the application. Submit unfolded in a large envelope.

Mail completed packages to:

AFCEA, N.C. Chapter
ATTN: Donna Duhart
P.O. Box 70222
Fort Bragg, NC 28307


Scholarship and a one year membership in AFCEA will be sent to the winning individual upon college acceptance of the applicant.

All applicants will be notified of their selection/non-selection by mail. Winners will be invited to attend the annual AFCEA Scholarship Banquet, tentatively scheduled for mid-May, and to identify any guests they would like to invite.

For additional information or any questions, please contact Donna Duhart at (813) 486-2030/910-717-0138 or by email [email protected].

Additional copies of this application can be obtained by sending an e-mail request to [email protected].

AFCEA Mission.

AFCEA is an international organization that serves its members by providing a forum for the ethical exchange of information. AFCEA is dedicated to increasing knowledge through the exploration of issues relevant to its members in information technology, communications, and electronics for the defense, homeland security and intelligence communities.


  • The applicant must have education and career plans related to fields of technology and science such as telecommunications, systems networking, electronics, computers, engineering, physics, mathematics, information security, information systems, or information sciences. Plans for management, business, or other technical degrees that relate to the previously listed fields are also acceptable. This is evaluated on the stated major, degree program and supporting material provided.
  • The applicant’s statement of career goals/ambitions essay (limited to 500 words or fewer). The essay is evaluated to the degree it is pertinent to the fields of technology and the mission of AFCEA International.
  • The applicant’s demonstrated active involvement in school and the community. Military applicants may also include involvement in the military community. Evaluated to the degree of involvement, leadership, and relationship to AFCEA Mission and applicant’s career goals.
  • The applicant’s high school transcripts show course grades, GPA and class ranking. College transcripts show course grades and GPA for all semesters including fall 2011. Application is evaluated on grades and types of courses taken related to the personal goals.
  • The high school applicant scholarship winners are usually in the top 10% of their HS class and have an AP weighted GPA greater than 3.5. College applicant’s scholarship winners usually have a GPA greater than 3.2 on a 4 point scale. Scholarship winners are successful in advanced science, mathematics and technology related courses.
  • The letters of recommendation show personal knowledge and experience with the applicant. The optional third letter from a current or past member of AFCEA, the military, Homeland Security, US Intelligence Agency, or first responder.
  • Applicant’s residence is in the local Fayetteville / Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina, as well as Ft Bragg/Pope Field employees (civilian or military) or their dependents.