Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2008
Generated 01-Dec-2008 02:00 EST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2008
Total Hits 5946
Total Files 5318
Total Pages 1452
Total Visits 849
Total KBytes 67821
Total Unique Sites 546
Total Unique URLs 71
Total Unique Referrers 48
Total Unique User Agents 155
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 8 73
Hits per Day 198 482
Files per Day 177 421
Pages per Day 48 107
Sites per Day 18 66
Visits per Day 28 43
KBytes per Day 2261 4567
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 89.44% 5318
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.02% 1
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.82% 108
Code 304 - Not Modified 4.78% 284
Code 404 - Not Found 3.95% 235

Daily Statistics for November 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 182 3.06% 173 3.25% 52 3.58% 34 4.00% 26 4.76% 2005 2.96%
2 132 2.22% 115 2.16% 48 3.31% 26 3.06% 26 4.76% 1070 1.58%
3 222 3.73% 203 3.82% 60 4.13% 39 4.59% 29 5.31% 3418 5.04%
4 135 2.27% 124 2.33% 35 2.41% 29 3.42% 32 5.86% 1745 2.57%
5 189 3.18% 174 3.27% 37 2.55% 18 2.12% 27 4.95% 2257 3.33%
6 247 4.15% 229 4.31% 64 4.41% 32 3.77% 34 6.23% 4244 6.26%
7 149 2.51% 134 2.52% 47 3.24% 33 3.89% 34 6.23% 1311 1.93%
8 114 1.92% 102 1.92% 42 2.89% 24 2.83% 27 4.95% 1570 2.31%
9 184 3.09% 166 3.12% 40 2.75% 30 3.53% 28 5.13% 1581 2.33%
10 172 2.89% 155 2.91% 49 3.37% 23 2.71% 31 5.68% 1909 2.81%
11 193 3.25% 165 3.10% 59 4.06% 28 3.30% 33 6.04% 2196 3.24%
12 176 2.96% 141 2.65% 49 3.37% 24 2.83% 25 4.58% 2746 4.05%
13 163 2.74% 153 2.88% 45 3.10% 31 3.65% 31 5.68% 2337 3.45%
14 276 4.64% 257 4.83% 39 2.69% 35 4.12% 55 10.07% 2914 4.30%
15 138 2.32% 128 2.41% 50 3.44% 26 3.06% 35 6.41% 1418 2.09%
16 209 3.51% 193 3.63% 58 3.99% 27 3.18% 40 7.33% 1395 2.06%
17 244 4.10% 219 4.12% 45 3.10% 28 3.30% 28 5.13% 3426 5.05%
18 224 3.77% 172 3.23% 43 2.96% 25 2.94% 24 4.40% 2344 3.46%
19 482 8.11% 421 7.92% 107 7.37% 43 5.06% 66 12.09% 4567 6.73%
20 221 3.72% 194 3.65% 54 3.72% 34 4.00% 39 7.14% 2397 3.53%
21 191 3.21% 177 3.33% 33 2.27% 27 3.18% 37 6.78% 1946 2.87%
22 152 2.56% 143 2.69% 30 2.07% 26 3.06% 44 8.06% 1108 1.63%
23 188 3.16% 171 3.22% 57 3.93% 30 3.53% 46 8.42% 1310 1.93%
24 295 4.96% 266 5.00% 60 4.13% 43 5.06% 48 8.79% 4370 6.44%
25 200 3.36% 164 3.08% 42 2.89% 21 2.47% 33 6.04% 2383 3.51%
26 140 2.35% 132 2.48% 16 1.10% 15 1.77% 32 5.86% 1823 2.69%
27 214 3.60% 191 3.59% 63 4.34% 35 4.12% 36 6.59% 2686 3.96%
28 209 3.51% 194 3.65% 42 2.89% 17 2.00% 44 8.06% 1851 2.73%
29 124 2.09% 110 2.07% 22 1.52% 15 1.77% 28 5.13% 1453 2.14%
30 181 3.04% 152 2.86% 64 4.41% 32 3.77% 33 6.04% 2040 3.01%

Hourly Statistics for November 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 4 148 2.49% 3 119 2.24% 1 44 3.03% 65 1962 2.89%
1 4 144 2.42% 4 122 2.29% 1 38 2.62% 54 1612 2.38%
2 6 182 3.06% 5 164 3.08% 1 53 3.65% 65 1957 2.89%
3 5 169 2.84% 5 160 3.01% 1 45 3.10% 62 1858 2.74%
4 6 182 3.06% 5 169 3.18% 1 43 2.96% 70 2089 3.08%
5 6 188 3.16% 5 168 3.16% 1 36 2.48% 79 2356 3.47%
6 7 219 3.68% 6 207 3.89% 1 37 2.55% 82 2460 3.63%
7 8 255 4.29% 7 234 4.40% 2 65 4.48% 71 2129 3.14%
8 9 285 4.79% 8 257 4.83% 1 49 3.37% 164 4934 7.27%
9 7 220 3.70% 6 198 3.72% 1 44 3.03% 98 2938 4.33%
10 10 301 5.06% 9 270 5.08% 2 70 4.82% 86 2575 3.80%
11 8 259 4.36% 8 240 4.51% 1 34 2.34% 92 2765 4.08%
12 8 269 4.52% 7 228 4.29% 1 55 3.79% 103 3092 4.56%
13 8 240 4.04% 7 217 4.08% 1 50 3.44% 78 2352 3.47%
14 13 404 6.79% 11 338 6.36% 2 60 4.13% 131 3928 5.79%
15 11 355 5.97% 10 328 6.17% 2 65 4.48% 184 5524 8.14%
16 7 239 4.02% 7 215 4.04% 1 52 3.58% 74 2229 3.29%
17 11 337 5.67% 9 283 5.32% 3 96 6.61% 138 4125 6.08%
18 8 240 4.04% 6 201 3.78% 3 109 7.51% 109 3270 4.82%
19 10 323 5.43% 10 301 5.66% 4 130 8.95% 129 3859 5.69%
20 8 253 4.25% 7 231 4.34% 2 72 4.96% 88 2625 3.87%
21 9 271 4.56% 8 254 4.78% 2 63 4.34% 71 2128 3.14%
22 9 284 4.78% 8 257 4.83% 2 73 5.03% 106 3189 4.70%
23 5 179 3.01% 5 157 2.95% 2 69 4.75% 62 1865 2.75%

Top 30 of 71 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 653 10.98% 158 0.23% /robots.txt
2 603 10.14% 6552 9.66% /modules/mastop_publish/
3 422 7.10% 1359 2.00% /backend.php
4 397 6.68% 4785 7.05% /modules/mastop_publish/recommend.php
5 294 4.94% 4863 7.17% /
6 289 4.86% 106 0.16% /xoops.css
7 226 3.80% 2302 3.39% /modules/liaise/
8 210 3.53% 431 0.64% /modules/mastop_publish/print.php
9 188 3.16% 1389 2.05% /modules/news/article.php
10 133 2.24% 1801 2.66% /modules/smartpartner/partner.php
11 125 2.10% 1472 2.17% /include/xoops.js
12 124 2.09% 758 1.12% /themes/afcea/style.css
13 111 1.87% 13 0.02% /themes/afcea/ie.css
14 85 1.43% 17 0.02% /themes/afcea/ie_pre7.css
15 82 1.38% 121 0.18% /themes/afcea/pngfix.js
16 80 1.35% 495 0.73% /modules/news/
17 64 1.08% 621 0.92% /modules/sitemap/
18 64 1.08% 12778 18.84% /themes/afcea/images/banner.png
19 63 1.06% 435 0.64% /modules/news/archive.php
20 61 1.03% 439 0.65% /themes/afcea/images/helmet.png
21 55 0.92% 289 0.43% /favicon.ico
22 55 0.92% 365 0.54% /user.php
23 51 0.86% 684 1.01% /modules/smartpartner/
24 51 0.86% 143 0.21% /themes/afcea//images/afcea_logo.gif
25 51 0.86% 33 0.05% /themes/afcea//images/rss.gif
26 50 0.84% 166 0.25% /themes/afcea/images/bg.jpg
27 50 0.84% 252 0.37% /themes/afcea/images/footer_bg.jpg
28 50 0.84% 278 0.41% /themes/afcea/images/header_bg.jpg
29 50 0.84% 251 0.37% /themes/afcea/images/menu_bg.jpg
30 44 0.74% 118 0.17% /uploads/smartpartner/images/technigrafa_small_logo3.gif

Top 10 of 71 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 64 1.08% 12778 18.84% /themes/afcea/images/banner.png
2 36 0.61% 11349 16.73% /modules/mastop_publish/files/files_48872357a4a4d.pdf
3 603 10.14% 6552 9.66% /modules/mastop_publish/
4 294 4.94% 4863 7.17% /
5 397 6.68% 4785 7.05% /modules/mastop_publish/recommend.php
6 14 0.24% 4285 6.32% /modules/extcal/download_attachement.php
7 33 0.55% 2761 4.07% /modules/mastop_publish/files/files_47cc147501223.pdf
8 226 3.80% 2302 3.39% /modules/liaise/
9 133 2.24% 1801 2.66% /modules/smartpartner/partner.php
10 125 2.10% 1472 2.17% /include/xoops.js

Top 7 of 7 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 603 10.14% 361 44.96% /modules/mastop_publish/
2 294 4.94% 213 26.53% /
3 226 3.80% 104 12.95% /modules/liaise/
4 80 1.35% 55 6.85% /modules/news/
5 51 0.86% 30 3.74% /modules/smartpartner/
6 64 1.08% 27 3.36% /modules/sitemap/
7 24 0.40% 13 1.62% /modules/smartobject/

Top 8 of 8 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 603 10.14% 344 41.60% /modules/mastop_publish/
2 294 4.94% 219 26.48% /
3 226 3.80% 111 13.42% /modules/liaise/
4 64 1.08% 53 6.41% /modules/sitemap/
5 80 1.35% 50 6.05% /modules/news/
6 51 0.86% 33 3.99% /modules/smartpartner/
7 24 0.40% 14 1.69% /modules/smartobject/
8 6 0.10% 3 0.36% /modules/liaise//

Top 30 of 546 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 881 14.82% 691 12.99% 8809 12.99% 170 20.02%
2 135 2.27% 135 2.54% 435 0.64% 0 0.00%
3 122 2.05% 119 2.24% 2445 3.61% 17 2.00%
4 107 1.80% 93 1.75% 2105 3.10% 22 2.59%
5 100 1.68% 62 1.17% 803 1.18% 2 0.24%
6 97 1.63% 93 1.75% 2200 3.24% 3 0.35%
7 82 1.38% 63 1.18% 1306 1.93% 2 0.24%
8 81 1.36% 73 1.37% 1044 1.54% 38 4.48%
9 79 1.33% 77 1.45% 695 1.02% 19 2.24%
10 78 1.31% 70 1.32% 784 1.16% 17 2.00%
11 73 1.23% 73 1.37% 905 1.33% 6 0.71%
12 68 1.14% 67 1.26% 1790 2.64% 23 2.71%
13 63 1.06% 62 1.17% 356 0.52% 11 1.30%
14 60 1.01% 56 1.05% 1257 1.85% 15 1.77%
15 59 0.99% 31 0.58% 481 0.71% 1 0.12%
16 58 0.98% 55 1.03% 864 1.27% 2 0.24%
17 53 0.89% 53 1.00% 171 0.25% 0 0.00%
18 51 0.86% 45 0.85% 297 0.44% 1 0.12%
19 50 0.84% 48 0.90% 300 0.44% 1 0.12%
20 50 0.84% 50 0.94% 161 0.24% 0 0.00%
21 49 0.82% 43 0.81% 278 0.41% 1 0.12%
22 47 0.79% 39 0.73% 549 0.81% 1 0.12%
23 46 0.77% 43 0.81% 472 0.70% 3 0.35%
24 45 0.76% 43 0.81% 512 0.75% 2 0.24%
25 43 0.72% 43 0.81% 138 0.20% 0 0.00%
26 41 0.69% 39 0.73% 628 0.93% 5 0.59%
27 39 0.66% 37 0.70% 747 1.10% 9 1.06%
28 39 0.66% 35 0.66% 697 1.03% 1 0.12%
29 38 0.64% 33 0.62% 494 0.73% 1 0.12%
30 37 0.62% 33 0.62% 695 1.02% 1 0.12%

Top 10 of 546 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 881 14.82% 691 12.99% 8809 12.99% 170 20.02%
2 122 2.05% 119 2.24% 2445 3.61% 17 2.00%
3 97 1.63% 93 1.75% 2200 3.24% 3 0.35%
4 107 1.80% 93 1.75% 2105 3.10% 22 2.59%
5 68 1.14% 67 1.26% 1790 2.64% 23 2.71%
6 82 1.38% 63 1.18% 1306 1.93% 2 0.24%
7 60 1.01% 56 1.05% 1257 1.85% 15 1.77%
8 81 1.36% 73 1.37% 1044 1.54% 38 4.48%
9 73 1.23% 73 1.37% 905 1.33% 6 0.71%
10 58 0.98% 55 1.03% 864 1.27% 2 0.24%

Top 21 of 48 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3744 62.97% - (Direct Request)
2 68 1.14%
3 24 0.40%
4 20 0.34%
5 14 0.24%
6 6 0.10%
7 5 0.08%
8 4 0.07%
9 4 0.07%
10 4 0.07%
11 3 0.05%
12 2 0.03%
13 1 0.02%
14 1 0.02%
15 1 0.02%
16 1 0.02%
17 1 0.02%
18 1 0.02%
19 1 0.02%
20 1 0.02%
21 1 0.02%

Top 16 of 16 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 17.86% afcea north carolina
2 3 10.71% afcea - ft bragg
3 3 10.71% afcea ft. bragg
4 2 7.14% afcea / ft bragg
5 2 7.14% afcea fayetteville chapter
6 2 7.14% fayetteville chapter of the link
7 2 7.14% nc college scholarships communication major
8 1 3.57% afcea
9 1 3.57% afcea fayetteville
10 1 3.57% afcea fort bragg
11 1 3.57% afcea ft. bragg nc
12 1 3.57% afcea nc
13 1 3.57% afcea nc chapter
14 1 3.57%
15 1 3.57% armed forces communications
16 1 3.57% north carolina chapter afcea

Top 15 of 155 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1021 17.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
2 570 9.59% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
3 548 9.22% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
4 532 8.95% msnbot/1.1 (+
5 456 7.67% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
6 251 4.22% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
7 238 4.00% Feedfetcher-Google; (+
8 146 2.46% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
9 120 2.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; ScoutJet; +
10 105 1.77% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
11 100 1.68% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30;
12 93 1.56% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
13 89 1.50% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
14 79 1.33% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
15 70 1.18% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2)

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 5946 100.00% 5319 100.02% 67821 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20